Wednesday 21 December 2011


So im new to this whole blogging thing so dont really know what to say...i guess ill just start with abit about me...

I just recently turned 19 and my life so far has been a rollercoaster, at this moment in time i am on anti depressants which i have been on for 2 years roughly now....this doesnt mean im a total nut job its just been a hard few years for me which im sure you will hear me moaning about in future posts. other than what ive said i like to think im a rather jolly person and try to look at the positives (unless im depressed of course) and i always make jokes in serious situations. ive always relyed on my humour to get people to like me, which i dont necessarily think is a bad thing!! im proud of my sense of humour its more of a masculine sense of humour though as i do usual get on with men better.

Not sure really what else to right but ill blog soon i guess...or ust after i post this ill remember something! always the way.
