Tuesday 31 January 2012

Film Fan...MY ARSE.

So since my last blog ive been on a high. I think this is due to me getting to see the new "Underworld" film that ive been wanting to see since the finishing the first three. I guess you could call me a film enthusiast. Ive always loved films and the film industry, its always intrigued me. My mum always says its because its a form of escapism, even when i was little when i was upset ide runn off play with my barbies and watch a film. The film that first got me into it was probably die hard and then more so fight club as i saw it at a young age.

I met my dads landlord today or should i say 'our'. he is , for lack of a better term, up his own arse. He is a roofer yet he likes to think he is an A Lister. He says things like ' guess who i was hob nobbing it around with last week, the peple in my office went crazy' then shows you a picture of him a Daniel Craig which was obviously a fan photo. Yet he mate out they are now bezzies for lifey.
This man also claimed to be obsessed with film yet he thought that "the girl with the dragon tattoo' with daniel carig in was the originaly...yeah somehow i think not. when he first walked in the room i was watching a subtitled french film and he just went "oh is this a frenchy".
Yes in some ways you can call me a snob but why claim to be something your not..he clearly just loves james bond like he said and is obsessed with that..not film in general. Its like saying that the teenagers that shout "TEAM JACOB" are film lovers when they are clearly just hormonal horny teenagers that need to get laid.

I admit sometimes i am a snob. When it comes to manners and ettiquette however when it comes to film i am not i would just like people to admit that they love Resident Evil movies and know everything about them instead of saying they are film fanatics.

Rant over.